How to move your GPG key and Pass store to a different computer

Let's suppose that you bought a new computer and you want to move/copy your GnuPG key and you Pass repository to your new machine. That's how I did it:

Copy the GPG key from your other machine

If you have GPG 2.1 and newer you can run:

$ ssh OTHERHOST gpg --export-secret-keys \
    --passphrase-fd=0 --pinentry-mode=loopback \
    | gpg --import --batch --yes

If you (hopefully) have a password for you GPG private key, the command above expects the password will be given on STDIN (you can either type the password or redirect the input from a file via standard redirection - < operator).

If you want to type the password but without echoing the characters in the terminal (sudo style) and your shell is bash or zsh (did not test is on other shells):

$ read -s pass && echo $pass\
    | ssh OTHERHOST gpg --export-secret-keys \
    --passphrase-fd=0 --pinentry-mode=loopback \
    | gpg --import --batch --yes

In case the export is hanging (e.g. after you typed a wrong password), you may want to kill the GPG agent on the remote host and then try again:

$ ssh OTHERHOST killall gpg-agent

Now you should be able to list your key:

$ gpg --list-secret-keys GPG_ID
sec   rsa3072 2020-06-03 [SC] [expires: 2022-06-03]
uid           [ unknown] John Doe <>
ssb   rsa3072 2020-06-03 [E] [expires: 2022-06-03]

You may notice the [ unknown] status near your GPG ID. This is because you need to trust the key first:

$ gpg --edit-key GPG_ID
... output cut for brevity ...
gpg> trust
... output cut for brevity ...
Your decision? 5
Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N) y
... output cut for brevity ...
gpg> q

I used 5 (I trust ultimately) as my trust decision since it's my private key. If you run gpg --list-secret-keys again you should now see [ultimate] instead of [ unknown], which means the key is trusted and can be used to sign.

Import the Pass repository

You can copy the Pass repository with SCP (since it's just a folder):

scp -r OTHERHOST:.password-store ~/.password-store

If you use a non-default directory, you may need to adjust the paths in the command above.

If you store your Pass repository in a private remote repository (Github, Bitbucket, GitLab) and you wish to import it you may want to do the following:

$ git clone REPO_URL ~/.password-store